“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:27‬

Here’s a video of our outreach on Thursday. This past week as every week has been buzzing by fast. Monday and Tuesday we were on campus planting some trees cutting bushes and working on site with some other small things while Wednesday we went and picked up a bunk bed and dresser for the family we delivered to on Thursday. Then Friday we were invited to a birthday party to a pastors friends son who was turning 4 so the next thing we know the weekend has come and gone and here we are for another. Nonetheless our GOD is good!!!

I do ask you pray for some family friends of ours from back in Bama. A good friend and church member went to be with the LORD. His family especially his son is a good friend of mine that was in our wedding here in Guate and in the states. So please remember them, the Sinyard’s, in your prayers as they laid a dad, husband and brother to rest today.

Also week before last my great aunt also went to be with the LORD so please remember the Hammond family too.

We thank all y’all for praying for us and helping us share the love gospel of JESUS!!! Wether it be on campus through construction, general fund expenses, etc here or with outreach by reaching out to pastors in their communities through bunk beds, stoves etc. We are humbled by your giving to the LORD!!! It’s all to HIM be the glory!!!