
The kids were out of school Monday so we did some cleaning as they played and enjoyed there extended weekend. Vilma began to organize some donation stuff for us to begin to give away. We were able to finish majority of Shae’s paperwork for here and I was able to pay my annual residency fee. We have been praying about where to go and do some outreach as we know of places but want to go where GOD wants us to go. Thus the LORD put on my heart a pastor we worked with some in August with the West Virginia team so I contacted him last week and he mentioned to me that five young men in their aldea of ministry had been shot and killed with in the past month due to gang related attacks. Two of those young men/ boys parents were part of his church. Thus I began to understand the LORD’s reason on HIM guiding us again with this pastor. So we went Thursday and it was humbling as we prayed with some of the families affected. The town is frightened as the attack happened in broad daylight. So please pray for them and for the pastor has he too has been threatened. Knowing a little of the story of that area it is easy to see the spiritual warfare happening there. LORD willing we will be going to put in a stove and some beds here soon so stay tuned.
On to the campus ministry we were asked on Wednesday by one of our neighbors if there church could come have a service on our campus. I said well since that is what GOD has put on our hearts to do so HIS people can be discipled and draw closer to HIM I said sure when are you thinking? To our surprise she said this Saturday evening. So their pastor called us and asked what needed to be done for them to be able to come. So we said the main thing is submit the form so we can log it in and we will take it from there. Since we haven’t finished the construction to clean and maintain is more of a challenge than of it we’re finished so we jumped in to the preparation before the form was submitted. On that note we pray that the LORD will touch each person personally that set foot on this property today. We pray that when they leave here they would have had a meeting with GOD like they have never experienced before. So we ask that today (Saturday) you join with us in praying for those siblings that’s I’ll be coming and if there is someone that don’t know JESUS as LORD that comes that they will know HIM personally before they leave the campus. This is all for HIS glory!!! That’s why we can’t say no when asked for someone to come and worship the KING of kings and LORD of lords in this place when we haven’t even finished it completely. We have seen the LORD move in mighty ways already this year here. So stay tuned for an update in this particular service at LHLm campus…
Thank y’all and have a blessed day!!!