Hey y’all things have been moving here as we have been blessed to work on a few more details on campus in hopes of getting them finished in the next day or so. Haven’t been able to do much outreach due to catching up on errands, kids end of the year activities, and working on campus trying to get some detail construction stuff accomplished while also maintaining campus in general.
A couple weeks ago we had a quinceñera celebration here on campus from one of our neighbors. Angie who was adopted into her family here in the mountain turned 15. One thing that I noticed that a lot of times I take it as a norm is that no matter whether here on campus or in a town somewhere that an activity is taking place by someone of the evangelical church they bring in the worship band and just give praise to GOD. I mean it can be a birthday, a wedding, or any kind of celebration you can bet they are going to have church. Really fun to see .
We also were blessed to have a young lady from casa aleluya come stay a couple days with us as she had been wanting to for awhile but time just didn’t allow. Our oldest two kids have officially been out of school a week so getting adapted into that routine which is not much routine is nice for them. Asher had missed almost the last week of school due to fever by throat infection and Lanisha is now having a few symptoms. Please pray they get better and that any sickness would stay away.
The rains have kinda started here but not in full swing yet, however when it does come I am sure we will have a full week of only rain. Nonetheless GOD is in control.
Thank y’all for being a part of what GOD is doing through us. May HIS blessings be upon you!!!
Blessings in CHRIST, The Clemmons- Family