“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25:40‬ ‭

Hey  y’all…

yesterday we needed to go visit our good friend Lalo about some things and check in with him and his family. On the way to his house we have to cross 4 creeks, now some of you have been there but for those who haven’t let me explain; to cross the creek is to actually drive across the water no matter wether shallow or deep. So we get to one and a little boy notices us coming and picks up a big rock and stacks it on the side as to be “helping clean the way.” My first thought was how crazy is this that this little feller of maybe 10 years of age is doing this to hope to make some money. Because as we drive by he sticks his hand out for money. I want to toss him some change but really and truly I think maybe I shouldn’t as it could be a setup with the parents for the boy. So I wave and feeling uncomfortable begin to think what can we give him and there beside me are a couple of pizzas that we were waiting to give out for such a time as this. So I rolled down the window motioned for him to come up, asked him if he had eaten lunch he said yes, then I asked what did you eat and real humbly he said beans. Then I asked do you like pizza, he said yes. and gave him a pizza. I tried to quickly encourage him that work is good but he needs to study and/or stay in school. Then most of all a quick “CRISTO te ama” and on our way. His name was Byron Rene I know because I asked and remembered. All that to say sometimes it’s the little things in life GOD wants us to do, that we don’t know the outcome of but HE pushes us to be obedient, grows our faith, smiles from within, and sends us on our way to glorify HIM. Needless to say when we came back through the boy wasn’t there.

So we continued our trek had a good visit and came home. Today off to visit some families for some stoves and line up some possible ministry opportunities. Prayers appreciated as we try and figure out where exactly the LORD wants us to minister. Also for me (Adam) as I have had a stomach bug or something since about Wednesday that don’t seem to want to go away.

Thanks for reading and thanks for helping us do what we do for the LORD. we hope you have a blessed day!!!

Blessings in CHRIST,

the Clemmons Family @liveHIMloudministries