This is a little as we had a problem with our website but th and to Matt Bernard in West Virginia we were able to get it fixed.

October 2024 Update:

Wow I am behind as November finished and December shot off with it and we’ve been non stop since, enjoy this one and December will come out soon. Merry CHRISTmas, oh what a Savior we have been given the ONE and ONLY!!! 

Hey y’all we hope y’all are being blessed and serving the LORD wherever HE has you at. Things here in Guatemala are moving right along as we are on the down slide of 2024. October 1st we were asked to help with some toys at the kids school here in our little community and then we decided to give you, juice and cookies out to everyone of the kids here in the afternoon. So we were blessed to be able to do that. The in October we played catch up to some things and I was asked to help out at the kids school to substitute a couple of days the first couple of weeks. Then we were blessed to have our friend Carrie from Arkansas and a couple other ladies come for a quick three day trip to serve the LORD with us on the 17th-19th. Our kids were out of school the 18th so we felt the need to go out to Totonicapan with hermano Antonio Chic and share the gospel through food bags and water filters.  We visited 4 families and gave them water filters and through that shared the gospel. It never seems to amaze me how people can talk about our LORD and HIS goodness and how doing good and the right thing is important to HIM yet when asked if they know where their soul is headed when they die they always say “ I hope they let me in heaven,” “ If I have done the good things, lived right, etc.”   the question can seem harsh but to have the assurance that the people truly understand  we have to ask “when you die where is your soul going?” We do not ask as a form of putting fear of death into them yet an in-depth understanding of the hope and assurance they can have through CHRIST death and resurrection. Many times when explaining the hope and salvation we ask the question again and there are sone that say I know now I am going to heaven. When this is the case they joy of the LORD bubbles up in the person and they have HIS hope. Unfortunately there are always those that don’t see the Truth of CHRIST mainly due to religion and not the relationship. Thus what do we do we pray as if their life depended on it. GOD will have HIS way we must just pray, believe, and trust.  We also met a new pastor whose son has had many operations on his leg due to one being longer than the other one. No the doctors are looking at a new form to try and help the boy get to where he can actually walk. Please pray for them that Wisdom, knowledge, and healin g be upon them as we have run into so many with this  handicap.  GOD is faithful!!!

After Carrie and the other two ladies left on a Saturday we had the teachers and students arrive on Sunday for the IBAC pastors training. Monday morning we started with about 43 on campus apart form my family and then about another 30 folks commute daily. This time it was in the “doctrine of CHRIST” it was for sure a blessed time to see GOD’s people diving in deep and learning HIS word.  Then it was back at some on campus and off campus cleanup and errands as went out of October into November.  November has been some more catchup time and seeking the LORD’s will for us as a ministry finishing a fiscal year and moving into another one. Again we visited a new pastor thanks to brother Elmer Sul and GOD laid it on my heart to take some folks out there from west Virginia to share the love gospel of JESUS through food bags, prayer, and the Bible.   60 families heard the word and testimonies of our CHRIST siblings and we beige healing as many asked for healing in which we know that we cannot do it but CHRIST who lives in us can. May HE be glorified through it all.   The kids school had a chicken pox outbreak so their clases were canceled for three days we praise the LORD they didn’t get them and hope that those who did are better. Vilma has been taking a Private course on nursing once a week this year and is now doing clinical this month at a private hospital every three days for a 24 hour shift. We are proud of her for taken this step and enduring. Pray she has the strength and ability to endure and be the Light of JESUS to those physically ill at the hospital she is working at. 

If you remember the miracle story from back in June when the guys working on a water line system up our dirt road left the ditch open for three weeks and we couldn’t get water in and how GOD provided for us all as we had more than 40 visitors own campus during that time and never ran out of water; well those same workers had to re-do there job and dug another trench this time with a third arm tractor, they managed to get it done and covered in 4 days however a tropical depression hit and it got muddy thus we waited a little longer at we’re able to get in. GOD provided the water to last. I have been hauling it up daily as the normal water truck wasn’t able for a couple weeks after the pipe repair. we had an activity on Sunday the 24th of Nov. and the folks were able to get in to campus for the youth retreat. The following Saturday night we had the same church bring their young adults up. We actually hiked the mountain where I had the privilege to share a small devotion on Sunday morning. Also Keaton Beachy was here for a couple weeks to see what day to day ministry looks like when no one else comes but him. He has been a blessed help for sure so stay tuned for more on the Decemeber letter update.

Here are some more prayer request as we move forward we ask that if it’s on your heart please pray for us in the following areas. 

⁃ Pray for us to do exactly what GOD wills us to do.

⁃  pray for adjacent property owners even though we have house swapped  we still believe that it is time for us to move off campus but close enough to be able to continue the work on campus. Property has been offered but a price agreement has not been made yet. We just want GOD to do HIS thing and use us for HIS glory!

⁃ Pray for all those we come in contact with including those who come up for a retreat.

⁃ Pray for our kids and their studies and travel safeties 

⁃ Pray with us for workers to come help us finish some of the details on the main campus from masonry, to railings, to cleaning, and gardening etc. 

( update we have found some block layers to help get some jobs done and a neighbor came by and offered gardening services) prayers being answered just pray they are all faithful to their work. 

⁃ Pray for our banking system stateside as we look to make some changes in the near future.

 – we also are looking at drilling another water well and so pray GOD’s will be done there as “well. “

⁃ Overall that GOD’s will be done in all we do.

Blessings in CHRIST,

The Clemmons Family – Guatemala