Hey y’all we hope this update finds you all blessed and living for JESUS. Since our last update here: https://livehimloudministries.org/continued-update-june-then-to-july-half-way-through-august-2024/ we have been trucking right along as we were blessed to have a team from Texas join us the third week of august where they gave out numerous amounts of food bags, traveled miles into the mountains and coastal lands, did various activities with kids, all to share the love gospel of JESUS. It was a blessing serving with these awesome folks from Gracepoint church in Portland Texas.

Our kids have started school and are in the grove of learning in the new year.

We then had a few day break where our family did another house swap and then my dad and another brother from my home church in alabama came down for 10 days to visit and serve the LORD with us. As they did some electrical work and we went and installed 2 wood burning stoves, 3 water filters and replaced the filter in some that we had previously installed. It was truly a blessing having them here. While they were here we began work on some time outside the HOP and also had some kids and staff from casa aleluya up to light the torch for Guatemalas Independence Day where they could run it back down to twin. That’s a tradition here in Guatemala so they did that from our campus.

The tile got finished right before a youth camp that we did this past weekend. The LORD had placed in my heart to do this youth camp back in April when we went to visit some pastor friends of ours on the cost to pray for them. With the big help of a brother Ariel and his wife Karen and two kids we set up the camp and bussed the leaders and youth to campus on the mountain. It was an experience for them as it was a lot cooler than what they live in year round. Apart from the weather factor it was a time to grow in the LORD and learn the true meaning of the freedom we have in CHRIST. As the theme was “ in the name of JESUS there is freedom” with the Bible verse focus being John 8:36 “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” We pray that there time here on the mountain was a true blessing and that they walk with JESUS daily, surrendering to HIM, loving like HIM, and learning of HIM through his word.

Then to end the month of September we celebrated Abraham’s birthday 🥳 with a quick trip to the Pacific Ocean. Abraham lives on campus with us and teaches at two different schools while also trying to finish up his college degree. We are blessed to have him in our lives and pray he continues to grow in his walk with JESUS CHRIST. It was fun being able to celebrate his birthday and throw him into the family as one of our own, even if he is a young man.

We thank the LORD constantly for all of y’all who help make this possible we couldn’t do this without your obedience to GOD in helping us do it. As we know GOD is doing big things and we want HIM to move us, speak through us, like a puppet on a string.

Urgent need:

We are in urgent need of a secretary/treasure to handle stateside logistics as many of you know Katie James who is on our board is feeling the need to take care of family and things in the USA on a more regular basis and thus cuts away from her time to serve in this area of the ministry she will still be an amazing asset to our blessed yet not working the logistics in the US any longer. Thus if you have felt the LORD wanting you to be more involved in Guatemala from where you are currently at and believe this would be an opportunity for you from the LORD give me an email letter message I’d love to talk with you. Nonetheless pray about it. Also pray with us on this as filling the shoes Katie has for the past 9 years is a job and we have been blessed by her.

Here are some more prayer request as we move forward we ask that the pray for us in the following areas.

⁃ Pray for us to do exactly what GOD wills us to do.

⁃ pray for adjacent property owners even though we have house swapped we still believe that it is time for us to move off campus but close enough to be able to continue the work on campus. Property has been offered but a price agreement has not been made yet. We just want GOD to do HIS thing and use us for HIS glory!

⁃ Pray for all those we come in contact with including those who come up for a retreat.

⁃ Pray for our kids and their studies and travel safeties

⁃ Pray with us for workers to come help us finish some of the details on the main campus from masonry, to railings, to cleaning, and gardening etc.

( update we have found some block layers to help get some jobs done and a neighbor came by and offered gardening services) prayers being answered just pray they are all faithful to their work.

⁃ Pray for our banking system stateside as we look to make some changes in the near future.

⁃ Overall that GOD’s will be done in all we do.

Blessings in CHRIST,

The Clemmons Family – Guatemala

Gracepoint Church , Portland Texas
mission team
Campus construction/outreach with dad and Donald
Youth camp