Wow first month officially done come and gone. Since my last update on the 18th we have been still hauling material up for the wall to be built of a local church that is at the beginning of the dirt road before arriving to our campus. The pastor and his family have been doing the labor.
We also celebrated Shae’s birthday as she turned 3 on the 21st. Crazy how time flies.
We have some harvest workers scheduled to come next week and so we have been coordinating and visiting pastors/churches to prepare for the activities GOD has provided for to make HIS name known. Even though I didn’t take any pictures one of the things we do when we go visit pastors is take them a big good bag with rice, beans, pasta’s, oil, cornmeal, oatmeal, suger, coffee, cereal, milk , and sometimes a few other things. This is made doable because of your faithfulness to GOD in supporting HIS work through us. One day I will try to take a picture.
Apart from that we have been trying to take care of the daily house keeping things and trying to help guide the young folks that live on campus to move forward in this new season of life they are in.
We thank the LORD for all of you and pray for you daily. Thanks for being on this journey with us.
Until we meet again here, there, or in the air; much love!!!
Blessings in CHRIST,
Clemmons Family Guatemala
Palabra miel church wall being built.