Hey y’all we hope y’all are all doing well. It’s been a fast and wild week or should a day a couple weeks. Vilma and I celebrated 8 years of marriage this past week and I will say it’s been a blessing. Also with our anniversary falling on mother’s day this year we went and had some pictures made of all five of us. Happy late Mother’s Day to all you moms out there.
We have been trying to get some construction stuff done before the rains really start up so that we aren’t having to repair buildings that are less than five years old. So we ask that you pray we can get the stuff done in a timely manner nonetheless in GOD’s timing. We are ready to start doing outreach as well and visiting pastors but need to finish some things on campus before we do so.
So please pray we can get this stuff done soon and that we have the funds to finish a few major details so that our rough tops and buildings are somewhat secure from the down pours of rainy season .
We hope to be able to officially open the ministry up this year. LORD willing!!!
Also many have already been praying but we ask your continued prayers for Erik Hunt, Steven Dunn, Phil Newburn as they are almost to Guatemala after been driving the past 4 days to bring a car and pets down. Also pray for the wives and kids of Erik and Steven as they arrive via airplane on Thursday.
Thank y’all so much for your love and support l. Know we are praying for you!!!
Blessings in CHRIST,
The Clemmons Family