Well hey y’all, update on what has been going on. We were able to leave the hospital on Monday. Wanted to post here but forgot to after I made a post on Facebook. Nonetheless I was living the awesome excitement of Asher and Lanisha meeting their baby sister for the first time. Apart from that it was Vilma’s birthday and so we were celebrating her life and baby Shae coming home. It was by all means a blessed day. Thus getting settled has been a treat and we are almost there so that our youngest one can grow and we can head back to Guatemala as soon as the LORD wills it. We can not thank each one of you enough for the love, encouragement, and support during this time . GOD has truly blessed us with Hephzibah Shae this year. Lanisha and Asher love their little sister and have been awesome helpers in the house already.
The nurses too at NAMC were outstanding in caring for Shae while she was there. They truly do deal with a lot while being responsible with such precious babies, I know they get paid but had they not showed up for work and been willing to work during this crazy time things could have been different. So our prayers for them have increased and will continue. We thank our FATHER GOD for them as well.
Now we have some exciting things happening in the ministry. We would like to introduce Hands of Hope International; (the Hunt family Erik, Amanda, Eli, and JP) from Alabama who will be ministry partners with us on the ground in Guatemala as we begin to finish our retreat center, do outreach, and all the other things we feel GOD guiding is to do in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. They have felt the call and then accepted the call to serve the LORD in Guatemala for some time now and have been trying to move since early last year but with everything that has been going on in the world they haven’t been able to go until last week. Yet in the process really felt GOD guiding them to join us and Live HIM Loud ministries. We are super excited to serve along side them and reach souls for the KINGDOM of GOD. Needless to say they wasted no time to jump in and serve as they hit the ground running to get things set up for a team coming up to arrive on Monday the 1st of February. As a missionary friend of “Adventures in Missions” messaged asking if he could bring 25 folks up to vision cast and pray about how GOD wants them to send Guatemalans to the nations. So they just finished a 3 day retreat on campus today Wednesday (2-3-21). Thanks to Erik and Amanda for bringing their family and the Dunn’s up to help Misael and Sandra get things set up for Gabe and his team. Also for praying for the folks as they started their retreat. We pray it was a blessed time they had in the LORD.
So stay tuned for the synergism of things we feel the LORD is going to do in our families and ministries. Pray for them tomorrow as they go and do outreach blessing families with food bags and the sharing of the love Gospel of CHRIST.
In the meantime stay safe, live HIM loud by loving HIM (GOD), and loving people.
Blessings in CHRIST,
The Clemmons Family