Hey y’all my updates have been far and few but nonetheless we have been kicking along in 2021 and blessed beyond measure. Our last addition to the family (Shae) will be one in a couple weeks. It is amazing to see all the LORD has done. Since Shae was born we then traveled back to Guatemala 6 weeks later and hit the ground running or maybe fast walking trying to pick up where we left off and finish the house we are currently living in. While also trying to finish campus stuff and re-touch bases with pastors and communities. We have had visitors in 2021 that the LORD sent us that truly encouraged us and were willing to go and do whatever and wherever HE guided us too. We saw a harvest for the KINGDOM that was a pure blessing form above. We had Guatemalan ministries retreat to disciple on the mountain top that have since went out and shared the love gospel of JESUS.
Our two oldest children started school and so that has been fun to watch and interact with that community along with learning the routine of their studies. Also in November Lanisha was born again (received JESUS) through her teacher who encouraged the gospel to her again.
We have been able to give out bibles, pray for families, give out food bags, visit pastors with food baskets, install bunk beds/stoves, and watch the LORD move mightily. It has all been a wild fun whirlwind. Probably one of the biggest things that stands out to me that my FATHER GOD has taught me this year is that HE in me is greater than HE who is in the world (1John 4:4). When we move with that mentality giving it all to HIM we walk away in “wow!!!”
All this we would not be able to do if it weren’t for those of you who are obedient to the LORD’s calling to support HIS work through us. Thus we thank HIM for you!!!
As we weren’t sure what it would be like returning to Guatemala last March of 2021 we look back and see HE has had HIS hand upon us. Some things haven’t worked out like we had planned and we don’t really understand why but we keep our trust in HIM and that HE sees the big picture (Proverbs3:5,6). When one door seems to close another opens I believe. We have been praying for GOD to send workers to help us as we move forward with ministry on and off campus. We believed we had a family coming to do just that with us but seems as though that door may have closed, yet this week we will have a young man coming to intern with us for at least a year. His name is Adam Lindsay from Virginia. He just finished a 4 year term with the US Army and has decided to come serve along side us here in Guatemala. Supper exciting as he is a young guy like I was when I first moved to Guatemala so looking forward to seeing how the LORD will use him. Please pray for him as he arrives on Thursday the 5th of January.
As for 2022 that’s a start with Adam coming but that same day we will have our first ministry coming up for a three day retreat. They will arrive the 5th as well and so pray we can get everything in order for there arrival as we haven’t ended well with 2021 to 2022 because Vilma and I have a stomach bug that does not want to leave us. We know the LORD will see us through. Did I mention school starts back that day too for Lanisha and Asher.
Batta bing batta booom!!!
Then this later this month we are scheduled to have a lady who is Guatemalan ministering in South Africa coming to retreat as well. That’s January so stay tuned for an end of the month update on these events and more.
Things to help us pray about this year.
• First of all for us to go where GOD guides and love like HE loves.
• People to know HIM as LORD and Savior.
• We can advance more in our construction on campus. Adjacent properties to open up.
• GOD would send more workers to help us on and off campus on a full time basis.
• We would all stay healthy.
Going to be an exciting year we know that to be true as we seek the LORD and HIS guidance.
Please stay in touch and if you ever have any questions or would like more info just let us know.
We love and appreciate all of you!!!
Blessings in CHRIST,
The Clemmons Family- Guatemala
(Adam, Vilma, Lanisha, Asher, and Shae)